Starting From the Beginning

Welcome to the Pooka Creations blog! I plan to use this blog as a way to share longer and/or photo-intense stories. For more frequent updates, I recommend the Pooka Creations Facebook page.

Pooka Creations on Facebook

Pooka Creations Shop on Etsy

The inevitable question: What is Pooka Creations?

Pooka Creations is me, and I am it. I have been kicking around the idea of starting my own small business for a few years, and now it finally feels like the time to actually do it. I have art projects and designs in my head that need to come out and make themselves known, and if they do not come out, I fear that they (and by extension I) will be very sad. And really now, who likes to be sad?

In this initial incarnation of Pooka Creations, I will be all about the pinback buttons. Also known as button badges, button pins, or flair, I “specialize” in the one-inch size range. My designs vary from geeky to artsy, fangirlish/fanboyish to thoughtful. Think of my pinbacks as tiny pieces of art you can wear on your sleeve, your coat, your hat, your shoe, or your bag!

The inevitable second question: And who are you?

To put things briefly, I am a twentysomething with hopes and dreams bigger than her eyeballs. So in other words, I am perfectly normal. I am a transplant from the northern US to the south, and have had my fair share of life’s bumps and bruises already. I won’t gripe or complain about them here, life is what it is. I try to believe that we are on this planet to live and to laugh.

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